Trip to TongYeong

2014 May 30
Title: Trip to TongYeong
Date: 2014-05-30
galleryroot: media/galleries
galleryfolder: trip-to-tonghae
bannerimage: P5250323.JPG
## Trip to TongYeong City

We took a 3 day, 2 night trip down to the southern tip of Korea and the city of TongYeong.  Just Hyonmi and I.  We took the express bus from Seoul.  It was a 4 hour bus ride.


<img title="%Title%  Korea" 
	class="img-responsive" align=left 
	style="xfloat:right; max-width: 100%; xwidth: 300px; margin:10px;" />
## Some Links
[The city's website](

[Another site](

### Gallery

[JSCgallery folder=%galleryfolder% rootfolder=%galleryroot%]