List of Families
This is a textual LIST of the ENTIRE family tree.
The big picture Chart
This is a simplified chart of the ENTIRE family tree. It is a little wonky, but is functioning stable for now.
List of Events.
You can See Annual Calendar incluing Birthdays, Death Days, and Marriages throughout the site. You can send me updates of any other Annually Occurring events you would like to keep track of.
Other events throughout the year that you want to share with the entire family are listed as individual Blog-Like Stories. Just send me the info!
This is a barebones fresh install of the standard yellow download package with edit and images included. I also installed the gallery plugin and a variety of default yellow themes.
That's all and then installed the jacfamilyhistory extension.
Put this example here as proof of concept.
You can see an integration example with a larger site.
You can see a standalone php/html page that implements the same libraries I created for yellow.