top :: The Whackaddoodles Family Tree


Born 06/17/1899 in Quaranti Italy

Married 01/01/1920 in Quarantino, Italy

Died 05/01/1986 in Samatoonie, CA, USA

Joseph Gpop Simpson

Born 06/17/1899 in Bucsaroni, Italy

Married 01/01/1920 in Quarantino, Italy

Died 05/01/1986 in Samatoonie, CA, USA


Born 01/01/1850 in Ireland

Died 06/01/1940 in Ireland

Gmom Jean Something Boilers

Born 05/10/1900 in PixieDust, NM, USA

Married 04/04/1920 in PixieDust, NM, USA

Died 05/01/1963 in PixieDust, NM, USA

Important Folks To Us

Born 01/01/1940

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