Family Summary
This is just a placeholder content until you make your real family page contents......
In my live site, the family narratives and images and documents files are prepared in Markdown. The top data section is prepared and presented by the layout and then the markdown family page is parsed and inserted under the data section right here.
Our Story
This is where your story will be placed. This is not facebook. It's not a blog. You should provide historical information about your family that you want to assure is remembered AND HELPFUL if someone in the family actually gets serious about doing research on the family someday in the future. (maybe your kids or grandkids)
Our Documents
You may have documents of historical significance that will help tell the story of your family.
Our Images
This is not an archive for all your photos. Select the few that are historically significant and help explain your family. No one wants to look at 1000 pictures of you guys now, or 30 years from now.
One Families Data File
# ====================================================
# Avon Upon Dale
# Notes:
# 1. Josef is defined in his sibling family above.
# 2. His wife, Juicy, is an outsider coming into the family, so define her here
# 3. Define thier 2 kids.
title: Avon Upon Dale
parents: [josef, juicy]
children: [homer-1, homer-2]
name: Juicy
fullname: Juicy Klien
gender: female
birth: 06/14/1970, MuddyWaters, MI, USA
marriage: 09/08/1990, MuddyWaters, MI, USA
name: Homer-1
fullname: Homer Simpson Jr.
gender: male
birth: 06/23/1995, MuddyWaters, MI, USA
name: Homer-2
fullname: Homer Simpson the 3rd
gender: male
birth: 07/04/2000, MuddyWaters, MI, USA