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Published: 2024-01-01
Author: John
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Filter in Use: Tagged with : recipe

Photo 2024 Sep 12

Duchess Vegan Scrapple

Aunt Duchess' Vegan Scrapple

I wanted to share a recipe that's quickly becoming one of my favorites! As some of you may know I'm vegan and so I really have to work to get food I can eat y'know? Anyway, this fascinating and really tasty dish uses walnuts, cornmeal, soy sauce, and an array of spices to emulate the Pennsylvania delicacy! Let me know if any of you people get around to making it!!

Also noticed that at some point theere is a Scrapple Festival. If you go, find the Vegan Scrapple.

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Photo 2024 Sep 12

Boilers' Pumpkin Stew-Cake

Boilers' Pumpkin Stew-Cake

I just found a card in one of Grandpa Boilers' old suitcases that has the recipe for this odd dessert! It dates back to the Great Depression, and uses pumpkin stew as a base for a spongy cake, similar to the better-known tomato soup cake of the time. It's much sweeter than it has any right to be, and even though it smells a bit... interesting going into the oven, it comes out smelling like a fairly normal spice cake!

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Photo 2024 Sep 12

Top Italians' Garlic Gnocchi

The Top Italians' Garlic Gnocchi

One of the true prized heirlooms of our storied family is the Top Italians' gnocchi recipe. It's crazy how here in the US gnocchi is treated as a specialty dish, but we all grew up with it and never really thought of it in any way other than as kind of a given.

The Top Italians may have been largely forgotten by the historical record, but at least their impossibly flavorful and easy-to-make gnocchi lives on.

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