friends :: Annexed Family


Annexed Family

Important Folks To Us

Born 01/01/1940

The happy SOB

Born 01/01/1940

Married 03/08/1976

Mary Joseph Sally Blue

Born 10/12/1940

Steamboat Willy

Born 4/13/1926

Married 4/13/1930

Just like Family

These are important folks to the family over the years. Some just seem like family and some just seem like ......

  • The Happy SOB
  • Sr. Mary Joseph Sally Blue
  • Steamboat Willy

The Happy SOB, Ogden Gordon Loafson

According to immigration papers I dug up in Gmom Cappelli-Simpson's home, Ogden Gordon Loafson was a generous benefactor who sponsored her and Gpop Joseph Simpson to help them enter the US. I've searched every archive I can find for information about him but I can't seem to find anything about him in historical records besides from Gmom's own words and a couple mentions of him in Gpop Simpson's diary. He writes about one notable incident where an immigration official, upon reading OGL's sponsorship letter and pocketing a small parcel which was also in the envelope, remarked that

"to be giving this much [the next word has been scribbled over quite extensively] away, this OGL must be one happy SOB."

I wonder if there's a way to contact OGL's descendants and thank them for his help ... ?


Mary Joseph Sally Blue's name appears several times in documents I've found in Irish archives, and appears to have been the child of some family friends of the Very Top Irish. Information is unfortunately scarce, similar to with everything relating to that family.


According to documents I found when visiting Italy a few years ago, Mickey (aka Steamboat Willy) was a close friend of Great Grandpa Joseph's, who traveled with him and Great Gmom Cappelli-Simpson to the States. He never completed the journey. Gmom Cappelli-Simpson told me that for some reason Gpop Simpson was wracked with guilt over this, and posthumously named Mickey the godfather of his children.

Gpop's diary paints a strange and potentially disturbing picture though; his opinion of Mickey had gradually worsened over the course of the trip, with the last entry Mickey is mentioned in saying only, "Why won't he stop whistling that blasted tune??"

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