Our Story
Great Grandma Angela and Great Grandpa Joseph were apparently quite the item back in Italy, which was certainly helped by their parents’ somewhat legendary fortune.
I can’t imagine what it must’ve been like to leave the small and close-knit town they grew up in for not just a new country, but also such a new way of life. Fortunately, our power couple great grandparents were quite adaptable to the US’ faster pace and bigger cities.
It’s a shame that this fast lifestyle led Gmom Angela to such a disastrous argument with her parents, but it also led them to be much kinder parents to their children: Homer, Nunzi, and Guiseppi.
Right now I only have good info about Homer If you got anything on Nunzio and Guiseppi, get in touch!
Our Documents
We have not uploaded any documents yet. We know there are some ellis island documets. Maybe we could get PDF's made or just get a picture of the documents and senf to me.
Our Images
- Photo: A young smiling couple at a table at a jazz club. The picture looks like it was taken from across the venue. The picture is captioned
“Picture taken by a private investigator hired by The Top Italians to show that Gpop Simpson and Gmom Cappelli-Simpson were engaging in ‘immoral’ activities”
- Photo: A young smiling couple sitting at a bar. Again, the picture is taken from across the venue, with the couple behind several other people.
The picture is captioned the same as the previous one.
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