itgm :: The TOP Italians


The TOP Italians

Married on 01/01/1920 in Quarantino, Italy


Born 06/17/1899 in Quaranti Italy

Died 05/01/1986 in Samatoonie, CA, USA

Aunt Mary

Born 02/22/1900 in Quarantino, Italy

Married 01/01/1920 in Quarantino, Italy

Died 06/15/2003 in Samatoonie, CA, USA


Born 02/22/1900 in Quarantino, Italy

Married 01/01/1920 in Quarantino, Italy

Died 06/15/2003 in Samatoonie, CA, USA

Angela Gmom Cappelli Simpson

Born 02/22/1900 in Quarantino, Italy

Married 01/01/1920 in Quarantino, Italy

Died 06/15/2003 in Samatoonie, CA, USA

Even though we modern Wackadoodles have had to put up with a lot, the Top Italians had to put up with ... substantially more. They fled Fascist Italy in the 1940s and wound up in sunny Samatoonie, California with their three children, (Great) Aunt Mary, (Great) Uncle Joe, and of course our Great Grandmom Angela with her family in tow.

Unfortunately, at some point in the 70s Great Grandmom Angela had a huge fight with her parents that resulted in them never speaking again, with Gmom Angela going so far as to never mention their names again (even though they lived three blocks away).

I?ve tried to ask my parents and even Grandpa Homer if they'll give me the Top Italians' names for this family tree, but in the family tradition they're honoring Gmom's odd vendetta. I guess they'll stay named the Top Italians here for now?

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