bart :: Wackadoodles



Married on 12/30/2000

Bart Jon Simpson

Born 03/12/1960 in PixieDust, NM, USA

HoneyDK Kimmy

Born 08/09/1965

Died 06/15/2023 in

Ms. Morfy DK

Born 05/10/2015

Bart Jon Simpson + HoneyDK Kimmy

While they obviously weren’t named after Simpsons characters, Uncle Bart and Aunt HoneyDK feel the most like they could be Simpsons characters. When he was young Uncle Bart delighted in tricking his teachers into revealing information about their personal lives, which he and his friends then mercilessly mocked them with. As he got older he only got more eccentric – he and his girlfriend (and later wife) joined a local chapter of the “comedy” group Improv Everywhere, where they tirelessly worked to make people just going about their days wonder if they were going crazy.

While their chaotically silly lifestyle has ensured they don’t have any children, they do have Morfy, a small dog.

Our Documents

  • Membership Cards Improve Everywhere

Our Photos

  • A group of people dressed in gorilla costumes play catch on bicycles, weaving between cars on a highway. Picture is captioned “Uncle Bart, Aunt Kimmy and others doing some monkey business.”
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