Help is generally for website owner and those who may be interested in building websites. Sign in to edit the site.
Make sure all are shared on the version inside of sitesbase..... Only urichip runs on topleve /yellow
Personal Sites
?? Used to have a sites33 5 jays folder, what happened to that ????
- urichip.com shared : Personal site of John and Hyonmi
- Not working at subfolder. Confirm on localhost then upload.
pcfam shared : Personal site for Gatherings of Friends
- Working, but theme not updated to match urichip
- debug messages at top and footers not correct
- Add contact and add comments..
jhprivate shared : My private stuff
- Not update to correct footers
- Confirm passwords........
Sites and Information. Most of it is related to Yellow
intro : Yellow Overview of Available Sites (This Site !) [ ] Put on base copenhagen theme......
devdocs jacmgr Development Docs/Readme (devdocs) : Yellow jacmgr notes and documentration of programming stuff
- Shared System /yellow/system
- Strange display font sizes not same on server using same theme
Family Tree
[ ] UPDATE PLUGIN, use familyhistory with clarity theme.....
- jac familytree: Standalone PHP/HTML/CSS app for using jacfamilytree class. No javascript and no database.
- Runs Fine. don't touch..... Uses Cutestrap.css
- familyhistory : Yellow Extension Simple family data and family tree app with hierarchical structure, based on YAML file data.
- Fresh Yellow not shared... :: Yellow Clarity Theme :: jacfamilyhistory extension. No Others...
- Update History Plugin... only, want it to work on fresh installs and default themes.... ! Find the stray UL in the CHART AND in the LIST, so must be something in array.....
- detailed example showing how it integrates with a blog or other site.
- Fresh Yellow Not Shared. Many Plugins both Jac and Yellow.
Uses the "history" theme which is just "./jaccopenhagen/jaccopenhagen-blue.css"; - Refresh and confirm theme; Add info box on footer....
- Implement comments and Send Tips KEEP IT AS NOT SHARED YELLOW.........
- no structural changes...... Document minimum plugins.....
- Fresh Yellow Not Shared. Many Plugins both Jac and Yellow.
sitedefault : with jacsitecfg fresh default yellows to copy
siteraw : fresh default yellows to copy
- Hit and Runs with a designated page......
- ibrowser : Yellow Experiments with page authorization and image browser and selection
- ToDo : simple todo.txt style tags on any page. Try F3 first. Rollup to a yellow page.md. Basically would convert identified ToDo items on a page to a status link in page. Also would rollup all todos for the site into a single summary page.
- Gists
- Config using return only. Option the environment, dev/prod auto based on url
- cutestrap shared sitebase/yellow .Yellow theme extension using basic Cutestrap.com.
- Missing pieces. Color pages don't work. Reduce pages down to ONE PAGE
- Use the theme from the standalone family.
- [cutestrap skeletons][skeletons/cutestrap] : Cutestrap Basic standalone HTML templates
- starter small
- starter large
- picnicCSS : shared sitebase/yellow experiments with Picniccss.com and Yellow CMS
- No further development or Use. Basic theme still in my dev folder for future
- Keeping here, becuase may have interesting snippets for Tabs, Images, and Uploads.
- picoCSS : shared sitebase/yellow experiments with PICOcss.com and Yellow CMS
- [X] Seems Done. Useful for pursueing additional subthemes
- What sites are ussing it ?urichip ???
favicons: jAC Favicon experiments [CSSframeworks] : includes testing of many frameworks - Markdown Notes - Raw Templates for Documentation themes andcool blogs [IMAGES testing] : tools for select , uploading, display images.....
Older Stuff
- project-phile : Old notes and blogs on using the PhileCMS. Had a lot of fun with that one, but after php hit version 8 things went sour. Moved onto Yellow CMS.
Print from full extension........
URLhost : https://jhinline.com
URLsite : https://jhinline.com/sites/intro
baseurl : /sites/intro/edit
URLparent: https://jhinline.com/
URLpage : /
Yellow CMS / Datenstrom
System Status
Product Release Info
Datenstrom Yellow 0.9
Latest Log Entries
2025-02-10 00:49:39 error Process file 'stem/layouts/phillybase/devdocs-footer.html' with fatal error!
2025-02-10 01:11:08 error Process file 'stem/layouts/phillybase/devdocs-footer.html' with fatal error!
2025-02-10 01:23:01 error Process file 'stem/layouts/copenhagen/navigation.html' with fatal error!
2025-02-10 01:48:06 error Process file 'stem/layouts/copenhagen/navigation.html' with fatal error!
2025-02-10 01:51:09 error Process file 'stem/layouts/phillybase/devdocs-footer.html' with fatal error!
2025-02-10 01:53:00 error Process file 'stem/layouts/copenhagen/navigation.html' with fatal error!
2025-02-10 02:00:29 error Process file 'stem/layouts/phillybase/devdocs-footer.html' with fatal error!
2025-02-10 02:04:04 error Process file 'stem/layouts/phillybase/devdocs-footer.html' with fatal error!
2025-02-10 02:04:36 error Process file 'stem/layouts/phillybase/devdocs-footer.html' with fatal error!
2025-02-10 02:08:30 error Process file 'stem/layouts/phillybase/devdocs-footer.html' with fatal error!
Installed Extensions
Datenstrom Yellow 0.9
Blog 0.9.4
Breadcrumb 0.9.1
Clarity 0.8.11
Comment 0.9.1
Contact 0.9.1
Copenhagen 0.9.2
Core 0.9.10
Countdown 0.9.1
Edit 0.9.9
English 0.9.1
Gallery 0.9.2
Generate 0.9.6
German 0.9.1
Googlecalendar 0.9.2
Googlemap 0.9.1
Highlight 0.9.2
Image 0.9.3
Jaccuts 0.8.15
Jacfamilytree 0.8.12
Jachierarchy 0.9.3
Jachitandrun 0.8.15
Jacpagesource 0.8.10
Jacpagevars 0.8.10
Jacprotect 0.9.3
Jacselectpages 0.8.10
Jacsitecfg 0.9.3
Markdown 0.9.1
Previousnext 0.9.1
Serve 0.9.1
Sitemap 0.9.3
Stockholm 0.9.2
Swedish 0.9.1
Update 0.9.4
Wiki 0.9.4
Meta Data
You can use this shortcut to show the list of pagevariable available. Good For Debugging....
[jacpagevars show] Have to take from jacsiteconfig and move it to jacpagevars. AND add the siteconfig data as well!!!