Family Reunion June 2025

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Title: Family Reunion June 2025
Published: 2024-08-30
Author: Bob's Your Uncle
Tag: reunion
Featured: 5
x ImageGallery: 2024-04-27 
x ImageBanner: articles/itgm-lisa-recipe-1.jpg

When: October 25, 2025
Where: PixieDust, New Mexico
[pumpkinstew]: recipe-pumpkin-stew
[family-itgm]: ../history/families/itgm
## First Family Reunion!!! 

Hello everyone! The time has finally come to schedule our first whole family reunion in 20 years!!! 
I know a lot of people have been asking about putting together something like this for a while, 
so here is our official announcement and itinerary so that y'all can go about making travel arrangements. 

The Wackadoodle family reunion will be on Saturday, October 25 in PixieDust, New Mexico. 


Some events we will have (not necessarily in this order) include:

- **Family icebreaker games!!** It's been so long since we've all gotten together that maybe you've forgotten who's who, but never fear - the family icebreaker games will get us reacquainted in no time! 
Who knows, maybe you'll learn some family secrets (we've all wanted to know [what caused that big fight between Gmom and her parents right?][family-itgm])...
- **A family cooking contest!** All participants will be cooking the [Boilers' pumpkin stew-cake recipe][pumpkinstew], so let's see whose stew cake is the best!
- **Chartered bus tours** of [historic Pixie Dust! Get to know our fair city in the desert!][townofpixiedust]

We hope to see you all there!

*\-Bob's Your Uncle*

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When: October 25, 2025 Where: PixieDust, New Mexico

First Family Reunion!!!

Hello everyone! The time has finally come to schedule our first whole family reunion in 20 years!!! I know a lot of people have been asking about putting together something like this for a while, so here is our official announcement and itinerary so that y'all can go about making travel arrangements.

The Wackadoodle family reunion will be on Saturday, October 25 in PixieDust, New Mexico.

Some events we will have (not necessarily in this order) include:

We hope to see you all there!

-Bob's Your Uncle

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