mggmom :: Very Top Irish


Very Top Irish


Born 01/01/1850 in Ireland

Died 06/01/1940 in Ireland

Gpop John Roy Boilers

Born 07/01/1900 in PixieDust, NM, USA

Married 01/01/1920

Died 08/15/1967 in PixieDust, NM, USA

Helen Boilers

Born 01/01/1900 in PixieDust, NM, USA

Died 06/01/1981 in PixieDust, NM, USA

Edie Boilers (Sister Mary Margaret)

Born 05/10/1900 in PixieDust, NM, USA

Mom's Great Grand Mom

We unfortunately don't have much information about the Very Top Irish, other than that they had three children, Helen, John, and Edie Boilers, who all emigrated to New Mexico.

It's interesting that the Very Top Irish never followed their kids; maybe there was some sort of drama there like with Great Grandma Simpson and her parents?

Or maybe their life there was just so great that they didn't want to uproot themselves. I'll need to look further to see if there's any records of their life in Ireland.


  • Deed to Boilers' Isle, a small yet very picturesque island off the coast of Ireland, with a lot of potential as some kind of fishing business.


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