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Photo 2024 Sep 04

The Ireland Trip

2022 The Ireland Trip

We just went to Ireland and saw the old Boilers' homestead!! There were a bunch of kids dressed like leprechauns who chased us away with sticks. Apparently this area has been really hurt by tourism, and a lot of (American) tourists have been really disrespectful to the local customs and culture. So, apparently the locals have taken to dispatching kids and teenagers to roam around and chase anyone who tries to go onto properties they're not supposed to.

I guess technically there was a sign telling us not to go onto the old Boilers property because it wasn't safe, probably because it'd fallen into disrepair after they passed away a number of decades ago, but I thought we'd at least be able to get a bit of a closer look. After a long conversation with one of the neighbors my husband persuaded them to let him fly his drone around the property for some pictures.

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Photo 2024 Sep 04

The Italy Trip

2021 The Italy Trip

While I was compiling the family tree, I wanted to get my hands on some primary sources, and I figured this would be as good a time as any to take a trip to Italy and see what I could find in any of the local archives around Quarantini and places where the Top Italians had lived.

I stayed near where their old home was, and it was really nice being right on the Mediterranean Sea, waking up to the seagulls and sun and lovely food. My trip was very successful, and for more information on what I found you can look at the Italian branches of the family tree.

I also found a suitcase full of interesting documents, which I think deserves its own article. Stay tuned!

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