lisa :: By the Sea

By the Sea
Married on 07/23/1983
Lisa Jon Simpson
Born 07/10/1958 in PixieDust, NM, USA
Clancy Serf Bouvier
Born 04/19/1954
Patty Kti Bouvier
Born 04/07/1993
Selma Ksi Bouvier
Born 05/15/1995
Just a family like yours ...
Married on 07/23/1983
Born 07/10/1958 in PixieDust, NM, USA
Born 04/19/1954
Born 04/07/1993
Born 05/15/1995
Aunt Lisa loved to joke that she was named after the Simpsons character, and always poo poo’d away whenever anyone mentioned that the Simpsons debuted when she was already nearly 40 years old.
She’s certainly smart enough to be the “real” Lisa Simpson, graduating from a four-year university in only two years with honors. But she certainly doesn’t fit the stereotypical image of a nerd – she married a kind and dashing traveling computer salesman shortly after she graduated, and had four children with him. The family happily remains in PixieDust New Mexico, living near their parents/grandparents Homer Simpson and Margie Freez.
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Photo: A family dressing up for Halloween as The Simpsons, except the parents are Lisa + Milhouse and the kids are dressed as Maggie and the two twins that are in Lisa’s class in the show.
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