Page Location: /history/
Page FileName: content/history/
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Title: History
TitleNavigation: History
Published: 2024-03-12
LayoutNew: item
Author: John
Tag: family
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[selectpages start=auto
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<!-- 2 month event calendar -->
[familytree family-events 2] 

## List of Families

This is a [LIST of the ENTIRE family tree](families).

## The big picture Chart

This is a [simplified chart of the ENTIRE family tree](chart). It is very buggy, but if you can draw, send me a sketch or diagram to replace it!

## List of Events.

You can see Birthdays, Death Days, and Marriages throughout the site.  You can send me updates of any other Annually Occurring events you would like to keep track of. [See Annual Calendar](eventlist)

Other events throughout the year that you want to share with the entire family can be [individual Blog-Like Stories](../articles/).  Just send me the info, and Bob's Your Uncle will put it on the site!

If you find interesting things, such as recipes, or significant artifacts, or a photo they can be posted as stories as well.
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Filter in Use: Tagged with : birthday

List of Families

This is a LIST of the ENTIRE family tree.

The big picture Chart

This is a simplified chart of the ENTIRE family tree. It is very buggy, but if you can draw, send me a sketch or diagram to replace it!

List of Events.

You can see Birthdays, Death Days, and Marriages throughout the site. You can send me updates of any other Annually Occurring events you would like to keep track of. See Annual Calendar

Other events throughout the year that you want to share with the entire family can be individual Blog-Like Stories. Just send me the info, and Bob's Your Uncle will put it on the site!

If you find interesting things, such as recipes, or significant artifacts, or a photo they can be posted as stories as well.