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Hello and thank you for visiting this page! I've started to put together a family tree that allows us Wackadoodles to trace our lineage all the way back to Italy in the late 19th century. I've been combing through archives from the many places our family has lived, and it's crazy how many things have happened to us over the years. From Italy and Ireland all the way to the USA, we Wackadoodles have sure left some absurdity in our wake! My grandmom used to joke that we had to leave Europe because everyone there had grown tired of our antics, which I find hard to believe. 

I'm very excited to show off what I've put together so far, even if it's not the most complete or coherent family narrative. I've been doing my best to include as many scraps of information as I can find about each branch of our family, but I am having a bit of trouble with getting info on some of the older generations, like the Top Italians and the Very Top Irish. 

If any of y'all have any information about them or just any information you'd specifically like me to include about anyone in our family, please let me know in the comments!! 

*Also, in case this is somehow the first time you're hearing about it:*

! We're having our first full family reunion in 20 years!! See the countdown timer in the sidebar and [click here for more details](articles/family-reunion-2025). I look forward to seeing you all soon, and don't forget to contact me with family tree info!   
! - *Bob's Your Uncle*

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### Recently Modified Histories

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Hello and thank you for visiting this page! I've started to put together a family tree that allows us Wackadoodles to trace our lineage all the way back to Italy in the late 19th century. I've been combing through archives from the many places our family has lived, and it's crazy how many things have happened to us over the years. From Italy and Ireland all the way to the USA, we Wackadoodles have sure left some absurdity in our wake! My grandmom used to joke that we had to leave Europe because everyone there had grown tired of our antics, which I find hard to believe.

I'm very excited to show off what I've put together so far, even if it's not the most complete or coherent family narrative. I've been doing my best to include as many scraps of information as I can find about each branch of our family, but I am having a bit of trouble with getting info on some of the older generations, like the Top Italians and the Very Top Irish.

If any of y'all have any information about them or just any information you'd specifically like me to include about anyone in our family, please let me know in the comments!!

Also, in case this is somehow the first time you're hearing about it:

We're having our first full family reunion in 20 years!! See the countdown timer in the sidebar and click here for more details. I look forward to seeing you all soon, and don't forget to contact me with family tree info!
- Bob's Your Uncle

Recently Modified Histories

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