Must add to finish and talk with Clio
- Home page basic content with recent changed pages in a title with date format with family type or article type or system. Intro paragraph
- About Page: Link to the Development Page and DATA Pages and List of page shortcuts can use in markdown
- Remove the not used folders under history/families causes errors
- sidebar with calendars
- Add Feeds and RSS
- The Chart Page, should not have sidebar. fix it. Fix it and check
- family page when on small screen phonr, the children box needs to go 100% of width.
- In ITEM PAGES : on Tablet and Phone; the LINKS to META Author and Tags do not work. On computer, work OK.. Links going to articles home is good only issue in sidebar
- tags on article header in item history-layout for author are screwed up.
- Tags not working correctly from subpages. Make Tags go to home page? Or seperate new page page named in home? "wackadoodles/filter/tag:josef/"
- In selectpages; when pick TAG, The menu Filtered with comes up; But NOT with AUTHOR..... Also make tag say "ARTICLES TAGGED WITH tag" not just tagged with. If at top level then just say "ITEMS tsagged with". Author added; but not adding the topmenu category.... just
- Put a selectpages on HISTORY home. It will be displayed IF theriis a REQUEST only. Displays before the content and is only for family pages.
- get heading subtitle. A family just like yours......
- Yaml should be highlighted.
- CONTACT form error message should say password not email for validation
- see PCFAM comment list feed should be reverse order
- move most of about to "help"
- It is reversed. Will make more sense when have more comments
- Home page lists all files. When site is done, go make UNLISTED PAGES and CONFIRM BETTER TITLES.....
Tasks for Creative Writer
Priority #1
- Home Page : Intro paragraph describing the overall Family somehow in 10 sentences and an invite for everyone to contribute in the comments.
- Individual Family Pages. Based on the relationships defined in the Families List, The Families Chart, and the Individual Family Pages
- comprise a silly coheseive story with 1 good paragraph per family.
- Might be good to draft as just one page with each family sequentially on the single page. Should be good silly fiction. Remeber this could be used in not only "family" situation. Something for each Family; so about 15 each of the one or two paragraphs.
- For 2 or 3 families include a list of about 3 documents (fake) that might be included. (YOU DON't Have to create the documents!). i.e. Thankyou letter from Colonel Sanders; Certificate for something....
- For 2 or 3 families include a list of 3 descriptions for a significant PHOTO OR other IMAGE that might be good for inluding here. (You don;t have to create the photos) Photo with Col Sanders... Photo of diploma; but better silliness.
Priority #2
- Articles and content is written. jacmgr needs to finish some links and adjust site to more content.
- Articles : Short. Convincing in 2 or 3 paragraphs each UNO.
- 1 Should be lengthy ~ describing a multitude of things in detail about 1 person's extraordinary crazy or silly struggles that they became famouse for. There might be (fake) news stories or records. Guiness book of recors.. All highlighting that one passion.... Topics to be covered ???? This is embedded in the family biographies, so don't need more.....
- 1 Scheduled Family Reunion for 25 OCTOBER 2025: First Ever. Craziness featuring cooking contest for one of the recipes. This would be most critical one. Some goals (or simple list); "find out what gmom's fight was all about." Cook off. Get to know your family. Not too long, one or two pararagraphs.
- 3 should be recipe style. The recipe is not as important as creating a story about it. 1 Italian, 1 Irish, and one new age young person crazy recipe. You don't need to list ingrediaents like a recipe. Just a few sentences that describes a type (soup, cake, casserole, drink) and a funny name of recipe etc... and then something about the family tradition. 1 Paragraph or less is plenty.
- 2 should be travel. 1 person went to Italy 4 years ago, found the family homestead. craziness. 1 person went to Ireland same deal. One to Italy, 1 to Ireland. Keep to one or two paragrpahs. Can be disjointed, just silliness.
- Checkout this family webpage. Content is king.
This one seems to have interesting chart options. If CSS is used...... get it.
- See this good with pico http://localhost/sitesbase/a_picocss/history/families/
- Family Page Custom Format. Simplifi and lets page control the format. May be useful for any type of "Heading" section, like blogs too.
- Step 1: should have a shortcut that inserts the family box header into the page.
- Step 2: should specify the format as shortcut parameter. This is useful for different types of family groups (family, sports team, unique type).
- Step 3: The default format could be specified on the parent page meta Children-familybox: mycustombox
- try different default fonts. I liked cutestrap, but maybre others...
- combine css for family tree list tree and events and families. So only one same one loaded. also family page layout has css inlined. FOR NOW LEAVE AS IS. EASY TO DEBUG FIX AND EXPERIMENT.
jAC System
- CSS configuration through layout Header file include.... i.e. if incfg then include the header......
- Favicon configuration - should be fixed by above