This is not a full family Genealogy or Family Tree Application. The intent is to have some minimal family information collected and preserved without much effort. It may provide a foundation some day for a family member who actually is interested in constructing a more thorough and formal family tree using a real genealogical application.

For now, Bob's Your Uncle is just collecting stories and critical photos from our family members and placing them on this site.

The site can be password protected if family objects to being out there in the internet.

Contributing Information

You can leave a comment for Bob's Your Uncle to add something to the site; but, you do need a password in these pages Comment Form. If you don't know the password, say "hello" or send Bob's Your Uncle an text/email to get it. Then come back to the site and add your comment!

Use the form on this page for general comments. But, it may be better to put your comments on a specific family page if appropriate.

Uploading Photos and Documents

If you have photos upload them to the google family PHOTO share and include the link in your comment below.

If you have DOCUMENTS upload them to the google family DOCUMENT share and include the link in your comment below.

I'll incorporate your comment, photos, and documents into the proper narrative page and then remove the comments.

If I have questions, I'll give you a call.

Bob's Your Uncle ;)

Reach Me

If you don't know how to say hello, you can reach Bob's Your Uncle at jdfphillyphone2 on gmail.

Click me to Leave a Comment.

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In your text you can use *italic*, **bold**, [links]( These comments are moderated and published manually as soon as possible.

Comments: 2

2024-08-26 17:43
Woof... New Password....

2024-08-26 17:39
Still old password