Girls Weekend in Pinkville, OK

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Title: Girls Weekend in Pinkville, OK
Published: 2024-06-21
Author: Bob's Your Uncle
Tag: homer
ImageGallery: articles/ 
The Simpson Girls, all 12 of them went and mooched off of [Patty's](/history/families/lisa) hospitality in [Pink, Oklahoma][cityofpinkok].


It seems to be all kind of Top Secret.   Soooooo, bug them at the reunion.

!!! [googlemap "Pink, Oklahoma"  10 100% ]

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The Simpson Girls, all 12 of them went and mooched off of Patty's hospitality in Pink, Oklahoma.

It seems to be all kind of Top Secret. Soooooo, bug them at the reunion.

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Comments: 2

2024-08-26 18:03
dont hurt the doggy wackaPOODLE

2024-08-26 17:34
I ama girl doggy. Why wasn't I invited?


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