Page Location: /help
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Title: Help jAC History Family Tree 
Tag: Help

### This sites YAML Family Data
- [Geneology Data for the Wackadoodles](../history/data/data-sample-view)

### Markdown Shortcuts in Yellow CMS

These `shortcuts` included in the jAC Familytree extension for the Yellow CMS. `jacfamilytree.php` does most of the heavy lifting.  These are inserted at appropriate places in the `markdown documents`.

[  familytree family-events num-months start-month ] 

[  familytree family-chart top ]

[  familytree family-chart lisa ]

[  familytree family-list top ]

[  familytree family-list lisa ]

[  familytree family-list bart layout-families-funny ]

Everything else on the site is basically an implementation of [Datenstrom Yellow CMS]( used like a blog and wiki.

### How the site was inspired
- [References](../history/data/vitalrecords)

## Other Sites and Information on this Server.  

Most of it is related to Yellow.

- [jacmgr Notes and Documentation](../../sites/intro/)
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This sites YAML Family Data

Markdown Shortcuts in Yellow CMS

These shortcuts included in the jAC Familytree extension for the Yellow CMS. jacfamilytree.php does most of the heavy lifting. These are inserted at appropriate places in the markdown documents.

[ familytree family-events num-months start-month ]

[ familytree family-chart top ]

[ familytree family-chart lisa ]

[ familytree family-list top ]

[ familytree family-list lisa ]

[ familytree family-list bart layout-families-funny ]

Everything else on the site is basically an implementation of Datenstrom Yellow CMS used like a blog and wiki.

How the site was inspired

Other Sites and Information on this Server.

Most of it is related to Yellow.